It is important to be aware of what goes into your body. After all, your body is your temple and it is up to you to take responsibility for what goes into it. My food philosophy has evolved over the years and I am happy to say that I have adopted an all natural food lifestyle. I strongly encourage you to do the same. It may sounds expensive to purchase organic, humane, and hormone free food. I can assure you, it isn't much more costly than purchasing food filled with preservatives and it is so much better for you, your family, and the health of you all. In the long run it will be a cost effective lifestyle change. You will be healthier, too. That's not to say that I don't allow myself to occasionally eat junk food, I still do from time to time. But most days I am eating antibiotic and hormone free food that is free range and/or organic whenever possible. The better the food is that you put into your body, the better you will feel and the more productive you will become.
Tips on how to move towards an all natural diet:
-Purchase locally grown produce and products when possible, especially those produced without the use of pesticides and other preservatives. This act not only helps to strengthen your local community and economy, it keeps your neighbors and small business owners at home working, but the food is also fresher, making vitamin and mineral content higher than those foods found at the large corporate stores.
-Don't buy canned food. Although there are some exceptions such as tomatoes, broths and stocks, and beans, cans distort flavors, uses higher amounts of artificial preservatives, and have a much higher sodium content than dried, fresh, or frozen foods. Canned food is also linked to Bisphenol (BPA) which is a toxin that current day Americans are consuming too much of without even realizing it.
-Look for eggs, dairy products, and meats that are organic, free range, or at the very least antibiotic and hormone free. Studies have shown that we are becoming resistant to certain antibiotics because we are exposed to them through food consumption. In addition, hormones are used to fatten up livestock to produce more product in a shorter amount of time. Consuming foods rich in hormones is causing Americans to beef up as well- definitely not a good thing. Still not convinced? Then rent the movie Food, Inc. That will change your mind. And then check out
Next, you will need some basic kitchen tools to help you create delicious recipes in a small amount of time. I will blog about tools I find helpful from time to time. But to get started you will need a couple of good knives, pots and pans of various sizes (try to stay away from non-stick pans which are also linked to elevated risk of developing certain types of cancer), baking pans, and a food processor. The last item will be your kitchen saving grace. Trust me, this product is worth its weight and gold and then some and you will use it all the time. If you don't have one, I recommend purchasing one immediately. Purchase a processor with at least a seven cup capacity. Cuisinart makes fabulous food processors. For a more economical line, I trust Hamilton Beach products. Both of these companies make products that last and that have excellent warranties.
I hope you find the postings on this page helpful. This blog will have posts on the following themes on a regularly rotating basis:
-Family Dinner-Festive Foods
-Food Field Trips!
-From the old country (family hand-me-downs)
-Happy Hour- it's cocktail time!
-Is there an app for that?
-Kitchen Gadgets
-Meatless Mondays
-Sinful Sides
-Soup's on! (and in warmer months) Fresh from the garden salads
-Sweet Endings
-Wednesday is Winesday!
And furthermore, if you have any questions that you'd like me to answer, shoot me an email at
Yay! I'm glad you are getting started with this! Can't wait to read on!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laura! :)